The Seven Deadly Underwear Sins*
Wearing underwear that actually fits is the single most powerful thing you can do to improve your wardrobe and your body image. The correct underwear can literally create the body of your dreams! Here are the seven most common things women do that kill a great outfit and solutions to keep you looking your best.
1. Cups Running Over
Most of us are wearing a bra that is too large in the band and too small in the cups. When the cups are too small, breast tissue “voluptuously” spills over the top and out the sides of the cups. You will actually feel thinner when the breasts are fully contained in the cups and the band is snug enough to lift the girls up above your waist. Try a bra one size smaller in the band and one or two sizes bigger in the cups. You might need to take a trip deeper into the alphabet than you ever imagined, but it's worth it.
2. Wrinkles and Dents
We tend to wear our bras long after their intended lifetime is over. When a bra gets old, the cups get dented, stretched, skewed and wrinkled. A new bra will give you a new lease on life. Extend the life of your bra by hand-washing it. The easiest way is to wear it right into the shower. Wash it along with the rest of you, then lay it flat on the bathroom counter (or on top of the dryer) to air dry.
3. Unintended Visibility
Plunging necklines, tank tops, camisoles, and halter-tops can expose bra straps, bands, and cups. All bras aren’t for all outfits. New technology and materials have made it even easier to find a bra that stays concealed under the most revealing tops. Look for styles with plunging necklines (i.e. U-Plunge Bra), transparent straps (i.e. Invisible Options Demi Bra from Maidenform), straps that cross in the back or connect across the back of the neck, or bras without any straps or band at all (i.e Nu-Bra).
4. White Bras With White Tops
White bras practically glow under white tops and distract from your overall beauty. Nude underwear (i.e. the same color as your skin tone) is the best choice. It will be virtually invisible under white and light-colored clothing.
5. Bulges And Rolls
Underwear or clothing that is too tight causes more bulges at the site of the squeeze (aka muffin tops, back cleavage, visible panty lines). Clothing made from clingy fabrics make these bulges even more noticeable. Choose underwear that lays flat against your skin and smooths imperfections. Hanky Panky stretch lace thongs and boy shorts are the best invisible panty out there. If you want a full coverage brief, Soma Intimates High Leg Vanishing Edge Brief is a great choice.
6. Mis-Shapers
Some body shapers squeeze out more than they control. They can create more problems than they solve – boob-squeeze, thigh cilice, and muffin-tops. Look for a body smoother instead of a shaper. The Body Wrap high waist long leg panty makes your body smooth and firm through the torso, waist and hips.
7. Thongs & Skirts
If the skirt is loose, it can easily go where it doesn’t belong! A full coverage brief or boy-short is the best defense against booty-cleavage.
Who knew changing your underwear could change your life? To see "make unders" of real women, click here to watch the segment that appeared on Great Day Houston on May 30, 2008.
Wearing underwear that actually fits is the single most powerful thing you can do to improve your wardrobe and your body image. The correct underwear can literally create the body of your dreams! Here are the seven most common things women do that kill a great outfit and solutions to keep you looking your best.
1. Cups Running Over
Most of us are wearing a bra that is too large in the band and too small in the cups. When the cups are too small, breast tissue “voluptuously” spills over the top and out the sides of the cups. You will actually feel thinner when the breasts are fully contained in the cups and the band is snug enough to lift the girls up above your waist. Try a bra one size smaller in the band and one or two sizes bigger in the cups. You might need to take a trip deeper into the alphabet than you ever imagined, but it's worth it.
2. Wrinkles and Dents
We tend to wear our bras long after their intended lifetime is over. When a bra gets old, the cups get dented, stretched, skewed and wrinkled. A new bra will give you a new lease on life. Extend the life of your bra by hand-washing it. The easiest way is to wear it right into the shower. Wash it along with the rest of you, then lay it flat on the bathroom counter (or on top of the dryer) to air dry.
3. Unintended Visibility
Plunging necklines, tank tops, camisoles, and halter-tops can expose bra straps, bands, and cups. All bras aren’t for all outfits. New technology and materials have made it even easier to find a bra that stays concealed under the most revealing tops. Look for styles with plunging necklines (i.e. U-Plunge Bra), transparent straps (i.e. Invisible Options Demi Bra from Maidenform), straps that cross in the back or connect across the back of the neck, or bras without any straps or band at all (i.e Nu-Bra).
4. White Bras With White Tops
White bras practically glow under white tops and distract from your overall beauty. Nude underwear (i.e. the same color as your skin tone) is the best choice. It will be virtually invisible under white and light-colored clothing.
5. Bulges And Rolls
Underwear or clothing that is too tight causes more bulges at the site of the squeeze (aka muffin tops, back cleavage, visible panty lines). Clothing made from clingy fabrics make these bulges even more noticeable. Choose underwear that lays flat against your skin and smooths imperfections. Hanky Panky stretch lace thongs and boy shorts are the best invisible panty out there. If you want a full coverage brief, Soma Intimates High Leg Vanishing Edge Brief is a great choice.
6. Mis-Shapers
Some body shapers squeeze out more than they control. They can create more problems than they solve – boob-squeeze, thigh cilice, and muffin-tops. Look for a body smoother instead of a shaper. The Body Wrap high waist long leg panty makes your body smooth and firm through the torso, waist and hips.
7. Thongs & Skirts
If the skirt is loose, it can easily go where it doesn’t belong! A full coverage brief or boy-short is the best defense against booty-cleavage.
Who knew changing your underwear could change your life? To see "make unders" of real women, click here to watch the segment that appeared on Great Day Houston on May 30, 2008.
Sarah Shah is an Image Artist, Media Coach & Speaker. Contact her at (713) 686-8587, sarah@sarahshah.com or http://www.sarahshah.com/.
* This article was inspired by Good Housekeeping, British Edition, April 2007. The original sins were amended by Sarah Shah, May 2008.
© Sarah Shah, Imagine Unlimited LLC May 2008, All Rights Reserved